Welcome to Fort Randall Marina, Inc
Fort Randall Marina is located on the Missouri River on Lake Francis Case next to the Northpoint campground. The Marina offers a variety of services including 24 hour gas pump, 95 wet slips, 85 dry slip rentals, fishing supplies, night crawlers, snacks, pizza and drinks.
Watching water levels to determine opening date.
Kayak and Stand Up Paddleboards (SUPs) will be available to rent in 2019.
Warning: It is illegal to use spears, bow and arrows, fire arms and fireworks in the marina bays, docks, camp grounds, picnic areas and beaches. The SDGFP or Sheriff will be called to resolve the issue.
We are updating our waiting list for the wet slips. If you are currently on the list or would like to be please email scottedoom@gmail.com with your current contact information. We will contact those on the list in order so please make sure we have your correct contact information.
Click on the balloon below for directions